Welcome to Our Blog

We're the Klines, from Palmyra, Pennsylvania (US). We're spending a semester in New Zealand accompanying a group of study abroad students from Lebanon Valley College. We'll be posting photos and information here for our friends and family. Feel free to leave us a message!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hamilton Zoo

by Lexie

On February tenth we went to the Hamilton zoo. It was fun! It wasn't the best zoo we have been to but it was ok. I liked the monkeys. They were funny and the zookeepers put nuts in a bottle and the monkeys were trying to get it open.

We didn't get to see the tiger and I really wanted to see that.

We saw baby pigs and you could pet them. Then one of the adult pigs came over snorting for us to stop petting them.

You can see my photos here.

1 comment:

The Ard Ri of Valleybrook said...

I amcoming to New Zealand soon and would like to visit the zoo. Do they have any effalants, rinosoros, grillas or snakes that bite you and you are dead? I would like an answer soon before I pack my duffle bag and come there. Also do I have to speak New Zealanderish to talk to the aminals? Huh?
The Ard Ri of Valleybrook